

Evaluation of "Project Film 1" Posters: As I reflect on the three posters I created for "Project Film 1," I have mixed feelings about their overall effectiveness in capturing the essence of the film. Here's my evaluation of each poster: Poster 1: The composition is well-balanced, and the use of colour is eye-catching. However, the text on this poster seems to blend into the background quite easily making it hard to read sadly. This verison of the poster good at showing the average weather in the north east. The typography could be improved to better reflect the tone and genre of the project. Poster 2: The concept is intriguing, with an emphasis on a specific character from the film. The colour palette complements the mood of the story I would have wanted to tell. I feel the emotion of this character is well conveyed in this version of the poster as the story would have had a lonely tone. However, the execution could be refined, as the visual elements appear slig

Production - Post Production

Intro videos Project Film 1 Trailer Posters In retrospect, I acknowledge that there is room for improvement in all three posters. To enhance their impact, I intend to explore more creative ideas that will better represent the unique aspects of "Project Film 1." By incorporating iconic symbols or elements from the story, I aim to make the posters more captivating and intriguing. The process of creating these posters has been a valuable learning experience. It has taught me the importance of considering readability, the use of typography, and the visual storytelling elements when designing promotional materials for a film. I am excited to continue refining my skills as a filmmaker and artist, and I look forward to applying these lessons to future projects.

Pre Production

Risk Assessment  Bedroom Risks: Tripping and falling: Ensure your bedroom is well-organized, with clear pathways and no clutter on the floor like loose cables. Use proper lighting to improve visibility during nighttime movements. Remedy: I'll keep my bedroom tidy, place a nightlight, and consider using rugs or mats to decrease the likelihood of me slipping on wooden floors. Electrical hazards: Improper use of electrical appliances, frayed cords, or overloaded power sockets can lead to electrical shocks or fires. Remedy: Regularly inspect cords for damage, avoid overloading sockets, and use surge protectors where necessary. Unplug appliances when not in use. Walking Around at Night time: Poor visibility: Dimly lit areas increase the risk of accidents and potential encounters with hazards or individuals. Remedy: Use the flashlight function on my phone to improve visibility. Stick to well lit areas and only use streets that I consider safe. Personal safety: Isolated or poorly populate


Subject Area Research

Audience Profile


Existing Products Research

Original Pitch The video above is the opening clip for the series Utopia (UK) that was created in 2013. Utopia is a series that was first aired on channel 4 on January 15th 2013 and ran for two seasons and was a show about a group of conspiracy theorists who stumble upon a large and dangerous corporation with the goal of wiping out an insane amount of people in a genocide so the remaining people live with enough resources to live on longer. My short film will take aspects from this show such as the idea of a large and powerful government figure that controls and effects the story while the protagonists have to deal with what the government wants and what they do.  The characters used in this sequence, Arby/Pietre (played by Niel Maskell) and Lee (played by Paul Ready) are massive inspirations for the antagonists in my short film as the character of Arby/Pietre and Lee are both extremely threatening but in very different ways as Arby is stone cold and straight forward and basically show