
Showing posts from September, 2022

Existing Products Research

Original Pitch The video above is the opening clip for the series Utopia (UK) that was created in 2013. Utopia is a series that was first aired on channel 4 on January 15th 2013 and ran for two seasons and was a show about a group of conspiracy theorists who stumble upon a large and dangerous corporation with the goal of wiping out an insane amount of people in a genocide so the remaining people live with enough resources to live on longer. My short film will take aspects from this show such as the idea of a large and powerful government figure that controls and effects the story while the protagonists have to deal with what the government wants and what they do.  The characters used in this sequence, Arby/Pietre (played by Niel Maskell) and Lee (played by Paul Ready) are massive inspirations for the antagonists in my short film as the character of Arby/Pietre and Lee are both extremely threatening but in very different ways as Arby is stone cold and straight forward and basically show

Client Research